Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hidalgo Movie Suite

Hidalgo Suite
Music by James Newton Howard

As we ride into the sun, we take another exciting movie suite from Mr. Howard that is thrilling, while evoking the sun-drenched vistas of sweeping sands that were the backdrop for this motion picture. The music is about a race, for a man and his constant companion, his horse, Hidalgo.  We are taken on a journey into the far away lands of desert and untouchable women.  With a timing of just 14:14 it passes us by in a flash. It's okay, you can enjoy it again and again.  -MJ



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dinosaur Movie Suite

Dinosaur Suite
Music by James Newton Howard

If someone has not heard of this little animated film, that's not too surprising, but if you haven't heard the music that accompanied the picture, then here is a movie suite that will give you a good idea of what you may have missed.  Mr. Howard starts slowly as if he wants us to experience the creative flow before consistently building into a swift moving pace that carries the remainder of the work.  Utilizing the orchestra with a sparse spattering of voices, we are quickly carried along before the sudden ending only 16:31 later. Although this isn't my favorite, it's a good listen once in awhile.  I hope you enjoy.  -MJ



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Great Train Robbery Movie Suite

Great Train Robbery, The Suite
Music by Jerry Goldsmith

For once, we are going to go back and discuss a wonderful movie suite that has graced the files of my hard-drive for awhile now. When this movie came out in 1979, I saw it on the big screen and was thrilled with the way the music was so integral to the action. As soon as possible, the vinyl LP was added to my collection and once I began putting movie suites to cassette, this one was one of the first.  Unfortunately, the CD for this was not easy to locate, but recently it was found.  With a spunky attitude that is at once upbeat and a bit quirky, Mr. Goldsmith blended a quasi-gaslight sound of the horns with orchestral bliss that seems to work.  The cello riff that makes up the main theme is catchy and as you hear it throughout, you'll have a hard time getting it out of your head.  With a timing of  22:11, I certainly hope you'll enjoy this one, too.  -MJ